Amanda B.

Amanda B.

Halifax, NS
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Female 32 years old White Brown eyes Blonde hair Speaks English
5'5 tall Bust: 34DD Dress: M Shoe Size: 8
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Hi there! I am Amanda B.. I’ve been a model with PUSH since October of 2011. As an experienced Promo Model I love the live marketing business. I have blonde hair and brown eyes. My promotional staffing history is significant. Finally, I am a retail merchandiser. I ask you to request me on any future opportunities.

Pending Availability
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Get to know Amanda B.

My interests as a Promotional Model:
My experience and resume as a Promotional Model:
Promotional Modeling
Contiki Holidays Campaign
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Venue: Dalhousie University Campus
Date: 01/12/2012
City: Halifax
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Pending Availability
PUSH Agency