

Houston, TX
eventPhotos 4
Female 30 years old White, MiddleEastern, Other Brown eyes Black hair Speaks English
5'6 tall 110 lbs Bust: 34D Dress: S Shoe Size: 7.5
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Hi there, I'm Tori, aka your next Trade Show model. I reside in Austin, TX and have been working with PUSH for almost a full year! I've worked as a trade show spokesmodel and bartender all across Texas, so if you are looking for event staff, then look no further. You could say my specialty is in auto shows and liquor promotions. I'm 5'6, 110 lbs and willing to dress it up or down to work your next convention. I'm readily available to work any upcoming events in Austin or Houston, TX

Pending Availability
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Get to know Tori

My interests as a Promotional Model:
Event Staffing
Tradeshow Model
Promotional Staff
Runway Models
Promo Girls
Brand Ambassadors
My experience and resume as a Promotional Model:
Harley Davidson
Los Angeles
Fort Worth
Venue: NRG Stadium
Date: 07/15/2018
City: Houston
Venue: George R. Brown Convention Center
Date: 06/12/2018
City: houston
quote quote
Pending Availability
PUSH Agency